The billionaire book club

BlackBerry: The Inside Story of Research In Motion has been chosen for J.P. Morgan’s 2010 Summer Reading List. JPM bankers around the world submit non-fiction books for consideration (this year there were 450 titles nominated) from which ten are chosen. “If you can’t live like the rich this summer, at least you can read like them,” says the Wall Street Journal. “It’s kind of a book club for billionaires, without the tedious monthly get-togethers over cheese and chardonnay.”

In addition to BlackBerry, this year’s eleventh annual list also includes: On the Brink, by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson; Life is What You Make It, by Peter Buffett (son of Warren); The Facebook Effect; and a biography of Mark Twain.

Barnes and Noble offers special pricing on the top ten as well as shipping in the U.S. or internationally through its Summer Reading Site. Books purchased through the Summer Reading Site generate funds for Room to Read, a nonprofit organization that makes books available to more than 120 million children worldwide.

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