Category: General

As weird as they come

I’ve been a fan of Elon Musk ever since I first read about him a few years ago in a book by Walter Isaacson. The author did his usual thorough job when he writes about a business leader like he did with Steve Jobs. I was amazed by Musk’s entrepreneurial brilliance in areas never tackled by others, at least not all at once. Just to remind, he invented and built the Tesla and soon was selling a million cars a year. He also launched SpaceX and sent dozens of rockets into space. There was even one occasion where a select...

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The Fordian knot

Ontario Premier Doug Ford this week called an election for February 27 because he says he needs a mandate. I won’t say that statement is a lie. Instead, I will call it a terminological inexactitude, a phrase first used by Winston Churchill in a Commons speech in 1906. No, I won’t call it a lie despite the fact that Ford’s Progressive Conservative Party already has a mandate: 79 seats in a 124-seat Legislature. And his current mandate runs to March 2026. Why now? Could the timing of this election possibly have anything to do with the fact that I, along...

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You call this winter?

“April is the cruellest month.” So begins T.S. Eliot’s famous poem, “The Wasteland.” He goes on to say, “Winter kept us warm, covering/Earth in forgetful snow, feeding/A little life with dried tubers.” In 2025, winter is doing everything except keep us warm with temperatures hovering well below zero. Eons ago, when I was a lad, my father always corralled me to help if he were doing something around the house. Jobs in which I assisted included removing and hanging wallpaper, prepping walls and painting, replacing electric outlets, taking out the ashes from the coal-fired furnace, and once, making and pouring...

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Handicapping the race

The race is on to replace Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Party. Who, even a few months ago, would have foreseen such a turn of events? But here we are, so let’s review what happened and then handicap the potential candidates. For the longest time, the uprising within the Liberal caucus seemed stuck at about twenty malcontents. Then, suddenly, a majority of the Liberal MPs from Atlantic Canada, followed by a similar number in each of Quebec and Ontario announced themselves unhappy with Trudeau. How the mighty had fallen. Even while Trudeau was jetting around...

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The reckoning

At the beginning of the year, I made a 10-point “Fearless forecast.” Let’s see how well or otherwise I fared. 1. Justin Trudeau will remain leader of the Liberal Party. Pierre Poilievre’s 10-point lead will evaporate. No election will be caused or called. • Two out of three right. The Poilievre lead is now 20 points. 2. A recession as defined by two quarters of slow or no growth will occur. Previously compassionate Canadians will turn mean and blame immigrants for both the housing crisis and hard times. • A year too early on the first part. I believe a...

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Happy and glorious

I recently went for a walk on the grounds of one of my favourite buildings, the Ontario Legislature, called the Pink Palace because of the colour of the sandstone. The architectural style, known as Richardson Romanesque, was also used in Toronto’s Old City Hall. Suddenly, I saw a jarring sight. The statue of Queen Victoria, sitting in her usual place to the right of the main entrance, was surrounded by a square of stakes tied together with yellow tape. Were the powers-that-be thinking about dismantling and taking down Queen Victoria? On the one hand, I understood their concern. Other statues...

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After a fashion

While I’ve never been what you might call a fashionista, I’ve gone through a number of looks in my life. The closest I ever got to best-dressed in the Guelph neighbourhood where I grew up was when I was three. On Sundays I wore short pants, a jacket and a hat called a peanut scoop. In fact, my mother thought I looked so good she took me to a photographer. The result was a smiling face with elbows and hands artistically twisted as if I were tied up. Clothing also brought me trouble as a lad. A bunch of us...

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Lost souls

You can call me an old fogey or a bleeding heart, it matters not. I have two things on my frayed mind, two wrongs that must be righted. Both involve young people. The first involves something I keep hearing about: kids in school who aren’t paying attention in class. Maybe they’re fooling around with a friend or busy with that other close friend, their iPhone. Whichever it is, they’re not learning anything nor are the others sitting nearby who become distracted. I know all about classroom disturbance first-hand because I had one teacher in high school who could not control...

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Getting Trumped

I’ve been sitting here asking myself just how the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States is good for Canada, and I’m having trouble finding a single reason. First off, Trump has promised to slap a 20 percent duty on all goods being imported into the U.S. Three-quarters of Canada’s trade is with the U.S. so that means higher prices and fewer sales of Canadian goods thereby resulting in a downturn in our economy that could lead to a recession here. This downturn will be further amplified by a stronger U.S. dollar that will mean a weaker...

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Stayin’ alive

That was quite a spectacle this week when about 20 per cent of the 153-member Liberal caucus lunged at their leader and lost. Politically, Justin Trudeau, who is languishing in the national polls, had every reason to hang on. When a beleaguered Brian Mulroney stepped down in 1993, the resulting election was a debacle for his Progressive Conservative Party. Kim Campbell took over and managed to go from 154 seats to two seats in the next election. There’s no reason to believe the Liberals would do any better in an election today. After all, Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives are ahead in...

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Puzzling Pierre

Pierre Poilievre, leader of the Official Opposition, has a new TV ad campaign. At first, I didn’t recognize him, with the camera showing such a close-up of his face. His hair is usually the best guide to his identity; it looks different every time you see it. That’s because he always sleeps on it wrong and in the morning can’t remember how it goes, so he just leaves it as is. In this ad, his hair hardly shows, so tight is the camera on his face. Good editing. And wait, is this the strident Axe the Tax, Build the Homes,...

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God and Mammon

I happened to be in Montreal on this day in 2000 when Pierre Trudeau’s funeral service was held. Notre-Dame Basilica was packed with mourners so I stood outside in Place d’Armes, one among the many hundreds listening to the service on loudspeakers and saying our sad farewells. I was struck at the time by how the very architecture of the surroundings spoke to the always frosty relationship between the former prime minister and the business community. The soaring spires of the Basilica, erected in 1830, dominated one side of the square. On the opposite side stood the head office of...

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Shhh, quiet please

There are unsung heroes in our lives who are often forgotten. I just realized recently that high on such a list are librarians. Favorite teachers, friendly neighbors, family members, we honor. But librarians do not have the same prominent profile. This revelation came to me when I recently visited the Yorkville branch of the Toronto Public Library. I had ordered a book online and a few days later received a message that it was ready for pickup. I found it myself on the reserved shelves, scanned my library card on the checkout machine, and – eureka – it was mine...

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The days of our lives

For the past couple of years, whenever I rode the subway, I always picked out the ten people sitting or standing closest to me and then counted how many of those ten were wearing masks. Nine months ago, it was six riders in masks. Three months ago it was one. Last week I was the only masked warrior. Using this methodology, Covid is over. At least in the minds of those people I was viewing at that moment in time and in that place. Another way to measure better days have arrived showed up Monday when Amazon told its employees...

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Taking charge

There seems to be a rash of terrible deaths in recent days. Fourteen-year-olds shooting classmates. Someone being set on fire outside a school. Such events lead the news so often that we are all becoming inured to such behaviour. Let’s call it what it is: evil incarnate. I can’t put my finger on exactly when such violence had its beginnings, but my best guess would be twenty-five years ago, about when iPhones began to become all-pervasive. Contrast what is happening now to the days of your own youth. There was none of this. In my day (you knew I was...

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