Bold new world

Of all the technological innovations of recent vintage, none has been more vibrant than blogs and social media. One of the attendees at my recent talk at the Rotman School arrived bearing her BlackBerry Bold 9700. Michelle Chau took notes using the Evernote application as well as several photos with the 9700’s camera.

You can find her report on complete with photos of me, the book and the inscription page. The self-described “PR gal/Librarian by day, and CrackBerry addict by night” has done an excellent job summarizing the main points of my talk. You can also follow her exploits on her Twitter page at

Michelle’s report has been picked up or referenced by more than a dozen other blogs meaning that an untold number of people have seen it. There was a time when word of mouth sold books. These days, word is spreading in newfound ways.

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